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GCH Nipntuck Border Crossing
"Blaine" DOB 11/27/2021
(GCH Eagertrieve Paevalley Endeavor x
Nipntuck Georgia Right Up Your Alley (Gamble daughter out of a Coal daughter)
Best in Sweeps and RWD RCLRC 2022, 7 months
Best in Sweeps, Best Op Sweeps, PSLRA 2022
Winners Dog, BOW, 4 pt major, Best Op Sweeps 1/23
Winners Dog, 4 pt Major, Ron Kelly Fresno, CA 2/23
Best in Sweeps & Winners Dog, 4 pt Major, SJVLRC 3/23
Winners Dog, 4 pt Major, PSLRA, 8/23
Select Dog, LRC National and two regionals 10/23
Select Dog SJVLRC 1, 2 & 3 3/2024
OFA normal elbows, Good hips
Eyes clear ACVO, heart echo clear
EIC, PRA, CT, Long coat, HNPK clear
Blaine is visiting Poland until sometime in 2025, and was Best in Show at his first show, the Retriever Club of Poland

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